
Botox - $10 per unit
Xeomin - $10 per unit

Let’s face it, no one enjoys the negative effects of aging.

There are many aspects of the aging process that we cannot stop or slow down.  There are, however, some things that will dramatically halt the appearance of aging, particularly in the face.  Neurotoxin is one such remedy.  It works by decreasing muscle activity in the face, thereby preventing wrinkling of the skin.  The face is packed with muscles that allow us to show a multitude of expressions. As we age, we lose the elasticity that helps our skin flatten out again or rebound after wrinkling from smiling, frowning or raising our eyebrows.  Over time, with the loss of our normal elasticity, normal facial expression can cause permanent wrinkles.  This is where neurotoxin comes in.  With the appropriate use, Neurotoxins (such as Botox and Xeomin) can prevent our facial muscles from contacting so fiercely as to cause wrinkling.  The art of using neurotoxins is providing this youth sparing treatment without preventing expressions that are vital to human connection and communication.  

At Zero Gravity, we use our extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and years of experience in medicine along with an artful eye to provide you with safe and effective neurotoxin treatment that will last for months and prevent permanent wrinkles.  Check out some of our past successes.

Click below to log into our secure patient portal. Please note that new patients will need to register with our patient portal before appointments may be scheduled. The patient portal is a HIPPA compliant (medically private) way to enter information, fill out medical questionnaires, sign consents, and make or change appointments for all medical services provided by Zero Gravity. We do not sell information and everything is stored in a private medical electronic record.


Medical Weight Loss

Semaglutide & Tirzepatide - Starts at $20/week

I do not believe there is a single person on this planet that enjoys being overweight.

In my career as a Physician Assistant, I have seen a lot of heartache and pain caused by obesity.  I’ve seen people literally turn into diabetics from years of living overweight.  I’ve seen patients dealing with heart disease, kidney failure and a host of other horrible diseases from obesity.  I’ve heard the stories of the struggles people have trying to lose weight.  No two people are the same in their struggles and there is a lot of frustration out there from failing diets, lack of progress in exercise programs, fads and gimmicks.  Fortunately, it’s not all bad news.  A class of medicine called GLP1 agonists developed to fight diabetes also promote weight loss at healthy and sustainable levels.  GLP1s are naturally found in the body.  They are what tell your brain you are full after you’ve eaten a meal.  They work by doing a few things:

  • Decreasing appetite by tricking your brain into thinking you are more full than you are and slowing the emptying of the stomach so your food stays there longer.

  • Increasing insulin production which allows your body to utilize circulating sugar better

  • Prevents the liver from producing glucose (sugar).

Many people are doing what they can to lose weight but have either hit a plateau or just can’t seem to get started.  GLP1s like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are a great way to augment your weight loss program and supercharge your trajectory to a new you.  We also offer a combo of Semaglutide and L-Carnatine as an option.  L-Carnatine is a known and proven fat burner and is a great additive, boosting performance.  

The treatments are given as injections once a week in the fat layer of the abdomen with a hypodermic needle like the ones diabetes use.  The needle is so fine and short that most people don’t even feel it.  We start at a small dose to safely gauge how you tolerate the medicine and how effective it is at the smallest dose possible.  If you are losing a target weight of 1.5-2lbs/week, then we stay at that dose.  If you are not losing weight or below target weight loss, then we increase the dose slightly until we reach our target.  

Semaglutide for weight loss is not for everyone.  People that want to get more defined or are only a few pounds overweight should not use Semaglutide for weight loss. To see if you are a good candidate for Semaglutide, make an appointment to see us and let's discuss your individual needs and desires.  You don’t have to settle for being overweight anymore! 

Click below to log into our secure patient portal. Please note that new patients will need to register with our patient portal before appointments may be scheduled. The patient portal is a HIPPA compliant (medically private) way to enter information, fill out medical questionnaires, sign consents, and make or change appointments for all medical services provided by Zero Gravity. We do not sell information and everything is stored in a private medical electronic record.


Hormone Replacement Therapy (For Men)

Pricing starting at $150 (includes labs)

If you’re a man trying to figure out why you have lost your drive, can’t keep muscle or muscle tone, have low libido, and are just plain feeling your age, maybe you could benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Many of you are familiar with the statistic that after 30, a man’s testosterone level starts going down.  By the 40s-50’s there can be a dramatic decrease.  The effects are widespread and can just make you feel old.  What if a new, more youthful you was only a couple weeks away?  What if replacing your testosterone could give you back some of your youth, decrease joint pain and stiffness, increase your libido, and energize you daily?  HRT is a very popular way to reverse some of the effects of aging.  There are clinics everywhere offering treatment but how do you know if you qualify?  It’s not as simple as just checking your total testosterone and starting injections.  To be honest, any clinic that offers HRT should be testing multiple facets of your endocrine system.  This will assure that you are a good and safe candidate.  At Zero Gravity, we will order a comprehensive panel to assure we treat you safely and effectively.  We are not a testosterone mill.  We take pride in being thorough and taking care of patients as individuals.  I have been a Physician Assistant for almost 20 years and understand the complexities of the human body, and in particular, the endocrine system and I will tailor make a treatment plan for your specific individual needs.  Make an appointment with me and lets get you back on track to a healthier, more youthful man.

Click below to log into our secure patient portal. Please note that new patients will need to register with our patient portal before appointments may be scheduled. The patient portal is a HIPPA compliant (medically private) way to enter information, fill out medical questionnaires, sign consents, and make or change appointments for all medical services provided by Zero Gravity. We do not sell information and everything is stored in a private medical electronic record.


Urgent/Primary Care

Cash pay visits starting at $75 (no insurance)

If you are looking to avoid long waits and high co-pays and you want straightforward care, look no further.

At Zero Gravity, we offer limited urgent care and primary care visits for conditions such as; 

  • coughs

  • colds 

  • sore throats

  • earaches

  • rashes

  • lacerations

  • back and neck pain

  • medical screening bloodwork for life’s milestones.  

You’ll be cared for by an Emergency Medicine trained Physician Assistant with 18 years experience in the ER.  

We DO NOT manage long term medical conditions, such as:

  • heart disease

  • high blood pressure

  • high cholesterol

  • diabetes

Some urgent complaints like abdominal pain and chest pain do require a higher level of care for potential imaging and more urgent laboratory testing. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please visit your local Emergency Room.

Click below to log into our secure patient portal. Please note that new patients will need to register with our patient portal before appointments may be scheduled. The patient portal is a HIPPA compliant (medically private) way to enter information, fill out medical questionnaires, sign consents, and make or change appointments for all medical services provided by Zero Gravity. We do not sell information and everything is stored in a private medical electronic record.


Matthew Cantrell, PA-C

Whitney Cantrell
Office Manager

About Us

Matthew Cantrell, PA-C is a nationally certified Physician Assistant and has spent most of his adult life in medicine.  He worked early on in his career as an EMT and then as a paramedic.  In 2003, Matt was accepted into PA school in Southern California and upon graduation, began working in Emergency Medicine.  In 2016, Matt moved to Knoxville where he continues to work as an Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant.  He has trained under Master Injector, Brandy Henson, PA-C in Southern California.  Matt uses his 30 years of experience years in the medical field along with his affinity for aesthetics and symmetry to help patients achieve their goals through careful listening and observation.  He is married to Whitney Cantrell who manages the office at Zero Gravity Medical Aesthetics.  Together, Matt and Whitney enjoy running the clinic together, traveling all over the world, and spending time with friends and family.

At Zero Gravity our primary focus is on providing you with quality health care and aesthetic rejuvenation. Our business model allows us to offer super competitive price points for services that are often 20-30% higher at other facilities.  We are not a mill and enjoy spending time talking to and getting to know our patients. Our goal is to understand you as a patient and thereby gain insight into how to best accomplish your aesthetic goals whether it’s weight loss, decreasing wrinkles and slowing the aging process, boosting energy, or improving your hormone balance. Call or text with any questions or to book a consult.